Une plateforme robuste pour mesurer l'impact du développement de votre leadership

Notre tableau de bord d'impact, notre évaluation à 360 degrés et notre tableau de bord de gestion se combinent pour fournir des informations exploitables et un suivi des progrès en temps réel par rapport à des critères établis pour un leadership efficace. Cette suite d'outils haut de gamme permet d'identifier les besoins organisationnels et les opportunités de croissance ciblées.

Lien direct vers le retour sur investissement

Les résultats de l'apprentissage et de la formation dans un format qui trouve un écho auprès de la haute direction

Analyses comportementales complètes

Mesurez les aspects complexes du développement du leadership

Outils de gestion en temps réel

Mettre en œuvre, suivre et rendre compte de la participation au programme

Why add Leora AI to your HR Toolbox

Reaches more managers

Extend leadership development beyond your senior leadership teams to all levels of management.

Works in the flow of work

Seamlessly integrate leadership development into daily tasks and responsibilities, allowing leaders to learn while they work.

Bridges learning between sessions

Reinforce and extend the impact of one-on-one coaching by offering continuous, on-demand learning and practice opportunities.

Provides psychological safety

Provide a safe and confidential environment for leaders to practice difficult conversations and receive feedback.

Increases learner engagement

Keep leaders actively engaged with personalized content, real-time learning, and a sense of accountability.

Offers a cost-effective yet impactful solution

Scale personalized leadership development across your organization without proportional budget increases.

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Un impact mesurable

Nos clients constatent Hausse de 33 % des meilleures pratiques clés en matière de leadership après 90 jours de coaching.


Explore our frequently asked questions about our solutions.
Feel free to reach out if you need more information.

How does Leora AI personalize coaching and training for individual leaders?

Leora AI personalizes coaching and training by analyzing a leader’s unique data, input from human-led coaching sessions, personal development goals, and past interactions with the AI. This allows Leora to deliver tailored learning plans, coaching sessions, and microlessons that address the specific competencies and skills a leader needs to develop. The system continuously adapts based on real-time feedback, performance, and evolving development goals to ensure personalized and relevant guidance at every step.

What makes Leora AI different from other leadership development solutions?

Leora AI stands out because it seamlessly integrates AI coaching with human-led leadership development, offering a integrated solution that provides both the depth of human expertise and the scalability of AI. Unlike other platforms that rely on generic web-based content, Leora is powered by New Level Work’s proprietary leadership framework, enriched by coaching over 20,000 managers. Leora’s AI tools offer personalized learning, role-playing, goal setting, skills development, and continuous feedback in the flow of work, all while preserving participant privacy—Leora knows the participant’s learning needs but does not know their identity. This ensures a unique learning and development experience for each participant while protecting privacy, making Leora a comprehensive and scalable solution designed to support sustained behavior change and business impact.

How can Leora AI integrate with our existing training programs?

Leora AI can easily integrate with your existing training programs by reinforcing key concepts introduced in these programs, providing continuous, on-demand support and practice in between live sessions. Additionally, Leora can integrate with learning management systems (LMS), human capital management systems (HCM), and other digital tools, allowing learning leaders to create a seamless leadership development journey within their existing infrastructure.

What kind of support and resources are available through Leora AI?

Leora AI provides 24/7 access to personalized coaching, training, role-playing, and leadership development resources. Participants have continuous support for learning in the flow of work, with AI coaching sessions that address real-time challenges and long-term goals. Learning Leaders receive data-driven insights, customized development recommendations, and progress tracking to support strategic decision-making. Additionally, the platform is supported by New Level Work’s customer success team, offering onboarding guidance, ongoing support, and consultation to ensure that Leora delivers the maximum impact for your organization.

How does Leora complement human-led coaching?

Leora extends the benefits of human-led coaching by reinforcing key concepts and skills in between sessions. It provides additional opportunities for practice, goal setting, and real-time feedback, augmenting the human experience without replacing it.

How does Leora help extend learning throughout the organization?

Leora helps learning leaders overcome the challenge of scaling leadership development by providing personalized and continuous learning support, enhancing behavior change, and delivering measurable ROI.

What components does Leora include?

Leora includes multiple AI learning modes: Individual Development Planning, Goal Setting, Leadership Coaching, Roleplay, Skills Training (launching in October), and Q&A.

How does Leora support leadership development in the flow of work?

Leora offers real-time, on-demand coaching and learning, allowing leaders to apply skills and seek guidance while working. This means leaders can instantly access coaching and training when they need it, without interrupting their workflow.

How does Leora personalize leadership development?

Out-of-the-box, Leora uses data from 360 assessments, human-led coaching sessions, and other participant inputs to create personalized learning plans, set tailored goals, and provide relevant feedback based on each leader’s individual development journey. Leora can be customized to ingest any structured or unstructured talent data to further personalize the learner experience e.g. interview notes, performance reviews, engagement survey data.

How does Leora ensure sustained behavior change?

Leora reinforces learning through continuous engagement, personalized reminders, and practical role-playing exercises. Its goal-setting and feedback mechanisms encourage leaders to stay accountable and track their progress over time.

Can Leora be used as a standalone solution?

Yes, Leora can be used as a standalone AI-powered leadership development tool, or in combination with New Level Work’s human-led coaching and training programs for a fully integrated approach.

How does Leora support goal setting and tracking?

Leora’s AI Goal Setting module helps leaders set clear, actionable goals based on their 360 feedback and other inputs. It tracks progress, adjusts goals, and provides insights into behavior change, ensuring continuous development.

What kind of feedback does Leora provide to participants?

Leora offers real-time feedback during role-playing and coaching sessions, helping participants refine their skills and apply them in real-world scenarios. Feedback is based on New Level’s leadership framework and tailored to the individual’s goals. At an organizational, team or cohort level, Leora provides aggregate insights into participant reaction, learning and behavior change.

How can Leora be integrated into existing learning platforms?

Leora can integrate with learning management systems (LMS), learning experience platforms (LXP), human resource information systems (HRIS), human capital management systems (HCM), and other tools, providing leadership development directly in the flow of work.

How does Leora handle data privacy and security?

Leora AI is built to adhere to SOC 2 and GDPR requirements, with strong data privacy and security measures embedded throughout its design. Leora operates using Large Language Models (LLMs) hosted on secure, compliant platforms. It manages user data, session memory, and integrates data from human-led coaching sessions to continuously update participants' models of context, skills, competencies, goals, and preferences.

Importantly, the same privacy standards established by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for human coaching relationships are upheld between Leora AI and participants. All participant data is anonymized, with no personally identifiable information (PII) stored or used for AI training purposes. Data is shared only in aggregate, further ensuring privacy.

Leora's session memory and participant models are maintained within a secure, multi-tenant architecture, providing additional layers of privacy and security for our users and their organizations. Access to anonymized data is restricted to authorized personnel, and all activities are logged and monitored to ensure compliance with industry standards.

What languages does Leora support?

Leora’s first language is English, and Leora speaks approximately 60 additional languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

How does Leora ensure a personalized experience across different leadership levels?

Leora tailors its coaching and training based on leadership personas—Emerging Managers, Accelerators, and Drivers—providing development pathways that are aligned with the specific skills and competencies needed at each stage of leadership.

What makes Leora AI unique and different?

Leora is different in two significant ways -  We have loaded in all that we have learned from ten years of coaching along with our competency model, training content and leadership research done in conjunction with Harvard Business School.  This is very different from generic information aggregated from the Internet.  The second is the architecture of our system which is complex and multi leveled.  There are five modalities that are working together. Each modality has between 6 to 8 LLMs all designed to provide responses that are highly relevant and insightful. No other Leadership AI solution has similar design architecture.

Does Leora AI know the participant?

Leora knows of the participant but not their personally identifiable information. When a participant returns it remember where they left off and the other learnings that have been exposed to over time.

Does Leora AI learn about the participant?

Yes, the more a participant does in the system the more it understands their strengths and the skills they want to work on. A great way to jump start this process is to complete our Impact Assessment.  This provides Leora with information to create goals and learning plans.

Accelerate leadership development through the combination of Human Coaches and AI Tools.