$7 ROI for every $1 invested

ROI of Leadership Development

Discover how people leaders boost company revenue and cut costs with leadership development programs.

Leadership development is more than just an investment; it's a profit multiplier.

People leaders are increasingly being asked to make the business case for programs they implement. In a world where data-driven decisions matter, this is the concrete ROI evidence that business leaders seek.


We surveyed 752 leadership experts from different industries across US, Canada & UK.

Key Takeaways:
  • Return on Investment: Leadership development yields impressive ROI ranging from $3 to $11, or an average ROI of $7.

  • Revenue Surge: Leadership development's impact on revenue: tangible ROI in dollars and cents.

  • Program Measurement: How participants are tracking their investment.

  • Overcoming Barriers: Overcoming program rollout challenges beyond executive buy-in.

  • Staggering Evidence: Investing in leadership = higher revenue, sales, retention, lower recruiting costs.

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Delve further into the business impact of leadership development with the complete 28-page study. Explore how leaders enhance company revenue and reduce costs through leadership development programs.

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ROI of Leadership Full Report

Learning & Development is an Investment You Can't Afford to Skip

Would maintain or increase programs over next 12 months
Reported higher employee satisfaction rates
Reported higher employee performance scores
Likely or extremely likely to invest over next 12 month.


Explore our frequently asked questions about our solutions.
Feel free to reach out if you need more information.

How can I showcase the ROI of my leadership development program?

New Level Work provides a robust Impact Dashboard that showcases the tangible ROI of your leadership development program. This dashboard offers a comprehensive view of the impact of learning programs within your organization. By demonstrating the development of behaviors linked to business impact and providing measurable outcomes, it becomes easy to illustrate the return on investment to your stakeholders. Our platform allows for evidence-based decision-making and reporting, making it simple to communicate the success and value of your leadership development initiatives.

Is there a platform that can help connect our team's learning efforts directly to the business impact that matters to the organization?

Yes, New Level Work's platform is specifically designed to connect learning efforts directly to the business impact that matters most to your organization. Through our holistic approach, which includes assessments, coaching, and training, we provide a seamless connection between individual and team learning outcomes and the overarching business goals of the organization. This ensures a measurable and impactful correlation between learning initiatives and organizational success.

How can I efficiently measure the impact of leadership programs and translate that into actionable insights?

New Level Work's platform offers a comprehensive Impact Dashboard, allowing you to efficiently measure the impact of leadership programs. Through scientifically validated assessments and progress tracking, we provide precise insights into the development of leaders, fostering internal change that increases engagement and productivity. This data is presented in a user-friendly manner, enabling actionable insights for continuous improvement.

What support or guidance is available to help package insights and data into a compelling narrative for stakeholders and decision-makers?

Our dedicated customer success team acts as an extension of your L&D team, providing personalized support in understanding and utilizing the data and insights provided. We go beyond automated virtual onboarding, ensuring a personal touch in onboarding live with you. This team collaborates with you to create a compelling narrative that aligns with your organizational goals, making it easy to share impactful results with stakeholders and decision-makers.

Discover the New Level Work Difference

Our carefully-vetted and developed community of certified coaches and trainers bring business savvy and real-world management experience to help drive the business outcomes you seek. Demonstrated by our 5 star ratings and 90+ NPS  score, our customers agree.

90+ NPS
Real World

The future of work has arrived. It's time to thrive.