Training and Development

Creating Effective Talent Development AI: A Guide for Learning Leaders

Published on
August 26, 2024
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According to New Level's research, 75% of talent development organizations use AI in leadership development and learning. The primary use case is content creation, with about 50% of learning leaders saying their teams are using AI to assist in developing learning content, and approximately a quarter of teams are using AI for content curation and a similar number for internal communications. While these powerful use cases save us a lot of time, there's so much more we can leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) for in talent development.

With GPT Enterprise, learning leaders now have the power to create custom, single-use case GPTs that can significantly enhance their participant and program selection, improve learner engagement, and measure learning impact.

However, as powerful as these single-use case GPTs are, they only scratch the surface of what AI can do in leadership development. This is where New Level's LeOra AI comes into play—a sophisticated AI system that uses hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of custom LLM prompts in a single conversation to deliver truly personalized and impactful learning experiences. 

Before diving into LeOra AI's complexities, let's explore how you can create effective single-use case GPTs using GPT Enterprise.

Step 1: Define Your Use Case

The first and most critical step in creating a single-use case GPT is clearly defining your use case. What specific problem are you trying to solve? What learning outcome do you want to achieve? What job or task is the participant/learner trying to complete? For instance, you could create a GPT that provides instant HR advice on management scenarios or helps learners practice difficult conversations in a safe, simulated environment.

Tip #1: Be as specific as possible with your use case. The more focused the GPT, the more effective it will be in delivering the desired outcome.

Step 2: Gather and Structure Your Data

Once you've defined your use case, the next step is gathering and structuring the data your GPT will use. This might include leadership case studies, conversation scripts, company policies, or other relevant content. Structuring your data is crucial because GPTs work best when they can access well-organized, relevant information.

Tip #2: Make sure your data is up-to-date and aligned with your learning objectives. If your content is outdated or irrelevant, the GPT’s outputs will be too.

Step 3: Crafting Prompts

Prompts are the backbone of your GPT. These are the instructions you give the model to generate the desired responses. For a single-use case GPT, your prompts should be straightforward and directly tied to the use case you defined earlier.

For example, if your use case is to help managers write performance reviews, your prompt could be something like: "You are a talent management expert. You provide assistance to managers writing performance reviews for their direct reports. The performance reviews should be written based on the following guidelines: [List Guidelines]"

Tip #3: Test your prompts with different scenarios to ensure the GPT consistently generates the quality of responses you need.

Step 4: Fine-Tuning the GPT

While often unnecessary, GPT Enterprise allows you to fine-tune the model. This involves adjusting the model’s parameters and training it further on your dataset to improve accuracy and relevance. Fine-tuning is especially useful in situations where your prompt is not behaving as expected in specific edge cases or you want to change the style or tone of its responses.

Tip #4: Fine-tuning requires an understanding of both the model and your use case, so don’t hesitate to involve a data scientist or AI expert if needed.

Step 5: Implementing and Monitoring

Once your GPT is ready, implement it within your learning environment and monitor its performance. Collect feedback from users, analyze the GPT’s outputs, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure it continues to meet your learning objectives.

Tip #5: Continuous monitoring and iteration are key to maintaining the effectiveness of your GPT. AI models need to evolve alongside your organization’s needs.

Why LeOra Is a Game-Changer

While creating single-use case GPTs can significantly enhance your learning programs, they are relatively simple compared to what advanced AI systems like LeOra can achieve. LeOra is not just a collection of single-use GPTs; it’s a highly complex and dynamic AI that can manage multiple inputs, scenarios, and user profiles simultaneously.

LeOra’s complexity lies in its ability to use hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of custom prompts in a single conversation. There are multiple learning modalities that each create and use multiple AI entities as a result of each interaction. This allows it to deliver a level of personalization and depth that is far beyond what a single-use case GPT can offer. Whether it’s coaching, performance management, or leadership development, LeOra is a full leadership development program AI designed to handle the intricacies of real-world applications, providing actionable insights and driving measurable outcomes.

As well as the efficacy of the AI itself, LeOra stands out by leveraging high-quality human insights, our custom content library, academic research, and secure data generated by our platform, working together with human coaches and facilitators. LeOra AI reinforces coaching and training in the flow of work, providing continuous reinforcement to support your manager’s ultimate growth. Each component of LeOra AI is designed to work together or independently, catering to specific needs, such as practicing difficult conversations in a safe environment or building a personalized career development strategy.

Why Partner with New Level Work?

Creating and managing single-use case GPTs is a great start, but if you’re looking to truly transform your leadership development programs, partnering with New Level Work and leveraging LeOra is the way to maximize your ROI in working with AI. Our team has the tools and expertise to deploy secure and private AI at scale, ensuring that your organization benefits from the most advanced AI-driven solutions available.

LeOra isn’t just another AI tool; it’s a comprehensive system designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing processes and deliver real, measurable value. With LeOra, you can unlock the full potential of AI in leadership development, driving growth, engagement, and performance across your organization.

While GPT Enterprise provides a powerful platform for creating single-use case AI models, the complexity and capability of LeOra take AI-driven learning to a whole new level. If you’re serious about leveraging AI to enhance leadership development, we invite you to explore how LeOra can help you achieve your goals. Contact us at New Level Work to learn more.

Join our upcoming webinar, limited to 14 participants for an exclusive sneak peek into LeOra AI and how to enhance your company’s talent development. Register today!

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