Leaders Must Know Themselves - Poem
Published on
May 26, 2018

Leaders must know themselves:
their strengths and tendencies,
their limits and weaknesses,
their beliefs,
what they value,
the role they occupy.
It is their stage.
Do they shrink or expand,
become more of who they are,
become the leader they would be?
For the biggest tool a leader has,
is their self,
knowing what triggers
their emotions,
that emotions cascade
like a symphony
to their team,
to those around them;
whether it be
upbeat, positive, somber, angry,
they must find control
and learn to let go.
They must know themselves
to be both bold and vulnerable,
find out
who they will be,
not be,
they will find
confidence, confusion, doubt
in dark places
where hope must be found.
This is where they must lead.
— Will Corley.
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